Avital Cohen

Avital Cohen lives in Bern and performs as a soloist and with various ensembles in Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan, the USA, and Canada. Her repertoire includes classical and contemporary works as well as interdisciplinary performances for various flutes, with live electronics and acoustically. These include her own performance and her free improvisations as well as works specially composed for her by Turkar Gasimzada, Rufat Khalilov, Andreas Sorg, Alfred Zimmerlin, and many more.

She plays at the "Heidelberg Castle Festival", the "Heidelberg Chamber Music Festival", the "Speyer Guitar Summer", the "Musical Salon" at Burg Schaubeck, the "Swiss Harp Festival" in Ligerz as well as at the "International Festival for Contemporary Music Qara Qarayev" in Baku (with interview and recording by Euronews), at the Zurich Tonhalle with the "Ensemble Beyond" ("From East to West" ) and at the "Theaterfestival Bern Auawirleben" (Flute improvisation on "Ghost of Chance", directed by Mirko Borscht), at the "ACT Performance Festival" (Bern, Zurich, and Basel) with the performance "Air Notes" (by Avital Cohen) and "Tweets, Trio for flute, sandwich paper and speaker's voice of the documentary" (a scene from "Licht oder?" by the playwright Sivan Cohen).

She studied with renowned professors, including Prof. Shigenori Kudo and Prof. Raymond Guiot. She earned her four diplomas at the École Normale de Musique de Paris (Diplomas d'exécution and awards), the Rubin-Akademie Jerusalem (B. Mus) and the Muho Mannheim (Diploma of Artistic Training and then soloist diploma). In addition, she participated in master classes with Aurel Nicolet, Alain Marion, Pierre-Yves Artaud, Maxence Larrieu and Robert Stallman, and Robert Dick, as well as with composer Daniel Weissberg and choreographer and dancer Ted Stoffer. She is currently doing a "Master Theater Expanded" at the HKB.