festival for new music

1st Baku Contemporary
Music Days

The 2023 Festival revealed the theme of the relationship of modern Azerbaijani composers with European and American composer schools. Despite geographical or temporal remoteness, intersections are found with such world-famous names as Morton Feldman, Beat Furrer, Georg Friedrich Haas, etc. The second line of the "1st Baku Contemporary Music Days" marked the centenary of the birth of Hungarian composer György Ligeti (1923–2006), in honor of which was performed the Azerbaijani premiere of his composition and was shown a film about the composer. The concert program alternated with an educational program consisting of open master classes, workshops, and lectures.

Schedule & Gallery

  • 12:00 — Workshop: Fidan Aghayeva-Edler (piano)

    13:00 — Lecture: Andrey Jurgenssohn (clarinet), “Timbre and Form in Contemporary Music”

    16:00 — Portraits: Gleb Khkhlov (violin) & Yulia Migunova (cello)
    J. M. Serrano, G. F. Haas, N. Vassena, S. D. Fischer, A. Najarov, G. Scelsi, A. Sysoyev

    19:00 — Evening Concert
    B. Furrer, S.Gani, G. D. Haas, T. Ibishov, J. Petraškevičs

  • 12:00 — Lecture: Yulia Migunova (cello), “Extended Cello Techniques in New Music”

    13:00 — Masterclass: Gleb Khokhlov (violin)

    16:00 — Portraits: Avital Cohen (flute)
    A. Cohen, J. Wildberger, D. Weissberg, M. Lévinas, T. Gasimzada, I. Zelenka, H. Holliger

    19:00 — Evening Concert
    R. Füting, M. Feldman, T. Gasimzada, N. Vigeland

  • 12:00 — Materclass: Daniel Weissberg (composer), “Interactive Composton”

    13:00— Masterclass-Concert: Avital Cohen (flute)

    16:00 — Portraits: Szilárd Benes (clarinet)
    P. Dusapin, I. Buffa, B. Horvath, A. Sioumak, T. Ibishov, G. Vajda, A. Zarándy, U. Rojko

    19:00 — Evening Concert
    O. Bochikhina, N. Helmuth, W. Henderickx & J. Tamminga, K. Stockhausen, A. Khubeev

  • 12:00 — Masterclass: A. Khubeyev (composer)

    13:00 — Workshop: Szilárd Benes (clarinet)

    16:00 — Portraits: Samir Asadov (violin) & Afag Garayeva (piano)
    F. Allahverdi, A. Marafi, Gh. Giobanu, M. Feldman, J. Cage, A. Alizade

    19:00 — Evening Concert
    G. Ligeti, I. Hajibeyev – R. Khalilov, A. Gambarli

  • 12:00 — Science Seminar
    - ”The Situation of Music Critisism in Azerbaijan” (Vafa Abbasova, musicologist)
    - ”Azerbaijan Composers in the World Music Context” (Elmir Mirzeyev, composer)
    - ”West or East? Tradition or Modernity?” (Giultakin Shamilli, musicologist)

    19:00 — “Ligeti: Portrait“, film about composer (with Azerbaijani subtitles)